How to get rid the tonsillitis by acupressure points? - ACUPRESSURE HEALTH POINTS

Monday, May 4, 2020

How to get rid the tonsillitis by acupressure points?

How to get rid the tonsilitis by acupressure points?

             Tonsillitis is an inflammation or swelling, of your tonsils that is usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Treat tonsillitis with acupressure only if the condition is due to a viral infection, like a cold. The point on the thumb and the point on the big toe are the two acupressure points for the tonsillitis.

Point on Thumb

   Using the thumb on your left hand, press the spot just under the thumbnail on your right hand that is furthest from your fingers. Continue to apply pressure for 1 to 2 minutes.

Point on Big toe

   This point is located on your big toe as show in the figure. Press this point for 1 to 2 minutes for better result.

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