Acupressure approaches this energy imbalance in a concrete way through the identification of acupoints.Acupoints are located on meridians, or channels that run throughout the body and connect all parts of the body together.These acupoints are specific sites on the body that often treat pain or discomforts elsewhere.By addressing problems or imbalance at the acupoints, you can balance the flow of energy and thereby reduce or eliminate pain in the affected areas.
Many people confuse acupressure with acupuncture.The two are similar and closely related. Both rely on the same fundamental principles, and both use the same points and meridians.The most important difference: acupuncture uses pins technically, they are hair-thin,sterile needles and acupressure does not.The needle aspect is something that makes many people nervous about acupuncture.For those people acupressure can be an equally effective.So don't be nervous about acupressure.
Treating the body through the feet and hands has also been found in many indigenous healing systems.For example, Native Americans and Australian aborigines are both believed to have healing practices based on foot manipulation.The ancient people of Asia discovered that pressing specific points on the body can reduce or eliminate pain--often in location elsewhere on the body.So many chinese doctors began focusing on pressure points as a way to treat pain,fight illness,and encourage healing after injuries.
As many people now acknowledge, the ancient chinese healers were on to something.Today people know that the body is like a big puzzle, with each part interconnected to other parts in many different ways.The pressure point therapies don't work with your body as if it's machine they work with your body as an energy system.This energy involved is called qi. Health and healing dependent on the smooth and abundant flow of qi throughout the body.Pressure point therapies seek to regain balance.Pressure is applied to specific point to regulate the flow of qi.
So here on this website we discuss acupoints and method to apply pressure to these acupoints forthe get rid of body related problems.
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