How to relieve of the shortness of breath in a minute? - ACUPRESSURE HEALTH POINTS

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

How to relieve of the shortness of breath in a minute?

How to relieve of the shortness of breath in a minute?

relieve of the shortness of breath in a minute?

Dyspnea (shortness of Breath)

        Dyspnea is the medical term for shortness of breath disorder.It is often described as an intense tightening in the chest,difficulty breathing, air hunger, breathlessness or feeling of suffocation.Shortness of breath has many causes affecting either the breathing passages and lungs or the heart or blood vessels.Average 70 kilogram (150-pound) adult will breathe at an average rate of 14 breaths per minute at rest.

Here are some acupressure points which help you to relieve in the shortness of breath. 

Acupressure points for Shortness of breath

You can choose and use any of the following points for itself 

Point No.1 Qi Door (St 13)

   The Qi Door St 13 is the first point for the shortness of breath,it lies just underneath the collarbone halfway between the breast bone and the point of the shoulder.
Press this St 13 point for 2-3 minutes or until you feel better.

 relieve of the shortness of breath in a minute?

Point No.2 Central Treasury (Lu 1)

   This point is located on your rib cage on inches down from where your arm meets your chest wall.Use your thumbs to press this point towards the breast bone.
Press this Lu 1 point for 2-3 minutes or until you feel better.

How to relieve of the shortness of breath in a minute?

Point No.3 Fish Border (Lu 10)

   The Lu is the third point for shortness of breath, it is located on the palm surface on the hand halfway between the outside of the wrist and the first joint of the thumb in the fleshy part of the pad.It will be very tender.Press this Lu 10 point for 2-3 minutes or until you feel better.

How to relieve of the shortness of breath in a minute?

Point No.4 Upper Sea of Qi (CV 17)

   The upper Sea of Qi Cv 17 is the fourth point for shortness of breath.It lies in exact center of the breast bone halfway between the top and bottom. Press this CV point for 2-3 minutes or until you feel better.

How to relieve of the shortness of breath in a minute?

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